Saturday, January 17, 2009

Paying It Forward

Each year I try to do one big project where I give to someone in need. Many of you have heard about the Pay It Forward Project. For those of you who may have not heard about it, it is a project where you do something good for someone and expect nothing in return. The project keeps on going by each person who receives the good deed paying it forward to someone else. I did this project all year long with my second graders last year. We did many things from making things for the nursing home residents, collecting things for Operation Christmas Child, making cards for the children at the Victory Junction Gang Camp, and the list goes on. This year, I would love to give a free photo session to a family who deserves it. They could have a child who has been sick for a while, a new family that has just adopted a child, a foster home family, or a family who has been through hard times and just needs to know that someone cares. There are no hidden costs to this, but the only thing that I ask is that they have to PAY IT FORWARD to someone else. If you know of anyone who you would like to nominate, please email me their story at by January 25, 2009. I plan to make a decision by February 1.

Paying It Forward

Each year I try to do one big project where I give to someone in need

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stephanie and Scottie

Stephanie and Scottie were married right before Christmas.
They are absolutely the sweetest couple. Stephanie has a heart that is as big as the world. I teach with her and she so compassionate. Scottie absolutely adores Stephanie and would do anything in the world for anybody. Both of their families were so much fun and the kids at the wedding added so much entertainment. For favors, they gave away betta fish in bowls. I took one home for Ella thinking it would die in the first week. Ella has named the fish Gracie and it has survived one month with us. :0 Our cat knocked her off the shelf and I found her flipping around on the floor. This fish has to have nine lives. A picture of the fish is posted.